You ever just have a 68 degree and sunny Saturday in October? That's the day to head to the golf course.
It's been months since Dad made it out.
But we know how to rock this course.
Even Mom joined us!
It's been months since Dad made it out.
But we know how to rock this course.
Even Mom joined us!
So I'm heading off to the Homecoming Dance (no date), just to be there, and scope out how it all goes.
I was suppose to have a wingman there, but it turns out he couldn't make it tonight :(
So I guess I;m on my own.....
Ah well, I've got this.
What better to do after a corn maze, then a haunted hayride!
I'll protect you Mom!
So ready for some fun Dad?
Just don't give me a swift kick in the back, and we'll all be fine.
Sometimes the simpler places are better!
There we did the two main Halloween events on the same night, now it's just time to get ready for Halloween.It's times for the fun of wondering through a corn maze in the dark, by the light of the moon (and some flashlights).
Remember when I was little and I could just climb right up here on this train, it seems to be much harder when you're bigger
But I made it!
I'm going to relax here, until it's our time to head up to go into the maze.
It's time to go into the maze! I wonder if I can beat my record I set last year....
Yeah... No beating my record, the first part of the maze was a long winding continuous piece, with just some side pieces that dead ended. Went from one side of the maze all the way to the other, that just slows you down.We only ended up back at one point once, the rest of the time we were continuously moving through it. Note that first part, it was just a long long "straight" path.
I mean beating my record of under 15 mins, wasn't going to happen it took around 40mins this year. Mostly due to the maze construction.
And time for some pictures at the exit.
Mom appears to have survived unscathed.
I mean I guess we could try to feed her to the corn next year?!
Dad will always survive I guess :)