Friday, February 28, 2025

Me and B


Just me and Mom's Cat, cuddling while we play games.

And here's all 3 of us with BvC :)

Birthday Adventures - Part 4


Onward to Dinner at a fancy restaurant.

We're we get to order delicious food, like the perfectly done steaks.

And then a sweet birthday dessert for me. (which I allowed my parents to have some of :) )

Birthday Adventures - Part 3


Next stop, the game store, where I got to spend some of my birthday cash.

Birthday Adventures - Part 2


So um... we played some Texas Holdum.  And Mom flopped up full house 7s over 3 for the full community pot.  I had the other seven down.  
Which means on the first 3 flop I had 4 of a kinda, and getting to slow play and see the full house was hilarious.

 Nice Deal Mom! :)

And thanks for all the money you two.

Birthday Adventures - Part 1


It's my Birthday, time for the morning treat...

A blueberry muffin with a candle in it.

Always a great way to start the day

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Playing Games


Another day of playing some games.

Perhaps staying up to 5am today was a bad idea.

But I guess I can play another game


Watching the Superbowl and Playing Games

 Just handing with my parents, eating some food, and watching the final football game of the year.