Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Columbus Day - Daddy Day

On my day off Dad and I played numerous things... Among them was dart wars with forts.

See Dad made me a fort that I can shoot out of... and he can't really shoot in :)

 Next up - shooting gallery... Line up robots and such (Dad made me the paper ones) and knock them down.

This is fun!  What a great day off so far.

What do you think of the bad guys we need to take down?

Next on the agenda... Bowling!

I'm trying to get them all down... I did get a couple spares.

Like my technique?

I'm mad... Dad beat me!

Then off to mini-golf...

I'm going to beat you at this game Dad!  (it ended up as a tie... I got a hole in one early... Dad hit his on the 18th)

 Back home more shooting gallery and such.

I shall get you Dad!

Pumpkin Smasher

I've got my safety gear on (safety googles, goo blocker jacket, no slip gloves).  I'm ready to smash a pumpkin!

I've got my hammer... Don't worry Mom... I won't hit you.

Shall we go destroy a pumpkin?

I see my victim in my sights. 

Time to smash that Pumpkin!

**SMASH** and got one hole in it...now it will be easier.

I think I need to switch positions to get a better hit.



And wham with the hammer!

And again!

Smash that pumpkin!

I split it in two!  Yeah!

Just need to finish that brake..

That will do it... It is now broken into a couple pieces.

Time to smash those pieces into bit! AHHHHHHHHH!

Sheesh... I'm tired... this is a lot of work.

Well I think I've smashed that pumpkin to bits...

So what should I do with the pieces?

Toss them into the back for the squirrels :)

Monday, October 13, 2014

GroMoore Farms

Lining up the putt... Trying to get a hole in one...

Dad is very distracting when I'm putting.

Time for a wagon ride.

I'm going to pull that bell cord next.

** Ding **

Hi Mom!

Here Dad.. Your turn to pull the bell.

OUCH!  That hurt... Let's do it again!

** OUCH **

Always fun going to GroMoore Farms for the Halloween Festival stuff.

Hay ride time...

Okay Mom... Let me go.

That was fun... Although not scary :P

These guys are kinda cool.


Must go faster!

** ZOOM **
Around and around I go... when I stop... Only the person running it knows.

Mom said she needed a new pumpkin patch picture.

 So here it is.

Time to paint my little pumpkin.

I'm making it impossible to pick up :)

Another round of Putting.

I hit it kinda hard here... It bounced out.

The duck race... was a bit lacking this year.