Sunday, June 26, 2022

Last Day of School!


I'm kinda up.  Just one half day of school left to go.

Oh YEAH! Last day of7th Grade!  Let's rock it out of here.

 Well Dad, we made it to the end of this school year.

Thanks for getting me through the school year Mom!

Golf V3


Another day, another round of Golf.  Mom had a great hit in this game, almost got a hole in 1 (missed by 1 foot)!



We found this really cool Geocache in the woods!

It is essentially a tent, with tons of fake out caches.

It took us a bit, but we found the real log to sign.



Time for a fun game of Lasertron....

Ready to wreck this game Dad?!

More Golf!


Let's get a good drive here on this swing...

Well that shot wasn't too bad.



I "took" Mom and Dad out for there anniversary dinner.  We went to all of our favorite place.  It was delicious.



It's golf time!  We got the cart, and ready for some fun!

Time to make this putt...

Canal Days


Ah, Canal Days, get some drinks, take a ride on Canal, etc.

So just need a drink, and for us to get moving ;)

And we're off.  Ready for a relaxing ride Mom?

I know Dad is ready for nice relaxing ride.

And the bridge is up, and we're heading under it!

Ah.... A relaxing canal ride, a yummy iced drink, this is definitely the life!

Well Mom, we've all missed this ride the last couple of years.  Definitely a way to start the summer.



I went with Mom and some friends, to watch another of Mom's friends play hockey. Was fun!

Tennis - June


It was a great day to head out to the Tennis courts and get in a game.

And here's a swing at the tennis ball.

This has been quite fun!