Saturday, November 26, 2011

Playing at the Little Playground

 Can I take your order?  Woodchips... you've got it.

 You could be swing on a pole.


Playing on the Computer with Daddy

 Daddy is helping me to play a computer game.  He moves us around I punch the action button.

Hum... this pose looks familiar.  Its almost like we've made this one a lot....

Thanksgiving 2011

 I'm just chilling until dinner is ready... I've got my football, so I can watch the games.

 Is that me Grammie?  I love looking at myself on the camera.

 Care to toss the ball around with me until dinner is ready?

 Dinner is ready!!!! Let's eat.

 Mommy's got the wine.

 I've got my fancy glass.

 Now where is that turkey?

 Here's a turkey... Although not one to eat :)

Daddy and I watching football after a yummy dinner.

Mall plane

I'm going to fly this plane right up into the sky through that light up there.

Bath Time - Water play with Daddy!

 You can't get me any wetter than I already am!

 But I can get you....
 And I will!

 Ahhh.. you blocked the cup... Next toss I'll get you for sure!

I gotcha!

Cooking Jello with Mommy!

 Mommy I like Jello, can I help you make me some?

Look I'm stirring the jello, then it will go into the frig to cook!

Playing with an Airplane

 Now why are you taking my picture... I'm just playing with an airplane....

 I shall now launch this airplane up into the sky!
Look it is flying!

Is that Snow in the Air?

 Mommy found me her old Met's helmet, to go with my wiffle ball.

After that I went for a mow around the loop... And it started snowing...Too bad it didn't stick enough for a snowball!

November at Booka and Boppa's House

Boppa sure has a lot of toys outside.  Let's play with them!