Friday, December 30, 2016

Making Snowmen at Booka and Boppa's House

It's the perfect snow for making a snowman!!! So Mom, Me, Uncle J, and Aunt S got right on it.

Just look at how big this snowball rolled too!  This will be a great snowman!

We all rolled some big snowballs....

I don't think we went overboard... But since there were four of us, that means we will have to do some other pieces for the ead.

I'm bring the last part for one of the bodies over to the rest.

Then on to a nice side head.  This one is close.

Time to add a head!

It's looks really good.. Don't you think Dad?

Uncle J and Aunt S are putting on the arms...

Hey Booka... Can you get me two carrots for the snowmen?  Thanks!

Carrots are on the way!

Mom and me headed off near the pine trees to get some pine cones for the faces.

Did you hear something?

It's a bit windy out here now....

We're finishing up the snowman, getting those last finishing touches on them.

Uncle J is helping me with one, while Mom works on the other one.

I think we've got it Uncle J!

Four People, Two Snowmen, and a Barn in the background :)

This was a lot of fun!

I think we rocked it out.

Happy (Early) Birthday Boppa!

Happy (Early) Birthday Boppa!  Here's to another fun year!

Around Booka and Boppa's House

Here I am having a Friend Fight with Uncle J.

And here I am getting ready to open presents with everyone.

Look What I Got!

Check it out a nerf gun that can shoot around corners!  This should be useful against Dad!

And another one, that Dad can use!  Nerf Fight!!!

Afterwards I played with the doll house that Mom use to play with as a kid.

X-mas with Booka and Boppa

I'm helping Booka put up her xmas village.  It's fun!

Afterward we stopped at the Moore's and I played with H and such.


A long time ago Mom donated this toy on me... And I was so upset... She finally found it again on EBAY and got it for me... I guess I'll forgive her.

Mini-Gingerbread House

Check out this mini-gingerbread house that I made at school.  It turned out well.

By the way, this is what the morning on this day looked like :).  Now that is some snowball I made huh?

Attack Dad!

I've got you Dad.. You're going to take this pillow to the back....


Okay I've escaped... But he's gotten the pillow...

I shall have to fight him to get it back...

AHHHHHH! He's attacking me with it now....

**WHAP** Ouch!  That hurt....

Ha Ha ... I've gotten the pillow back from Dad....

OH NO... He's gotten me again...

And now he is beating me with the pillow... **WHAP** **WHAP**

I almost escaped.. But he grabbed me again.... 

And slammed me to the floor *SLAM*

Perhaps if I try to come from behind him?

Nope... That didn't work....

Mom.... HELP... He's got me... and is pulling me back in...AHHHHHHHHHH!

Dance Party!

 Mom and Me are doing a Dance Party Fight (in the dark, with glow sticks and such)

On Guard Mom!

Ah Ha!  I win!

My Cat is HUGE!

Just look at how HUGE my cat is... He is also very heavy at times.

Pillow Path

 I've got this idea for a pillow path, with balls on it and such... So I'm working on building it...

Just wait one minute I think it is close to being ready...

Looks good to me... Now time me Dad for how long it takes me to get across it....

This is harder then it looks.....As I rumble and stumble down it.

Ahhhh... Slipping at the end....

And down I go :)