Saturday, June 27, 2020

Picking Strawberries

It was a beautiful day to go strawberry picking!

Are plan is to pick a lot of them.

Dad is good at find the bunches, I can tell the best ones to pick off of the bunch.

Check out this beauty!

I think we picked a large amount!  Time to go home and eat them!


I stayed up reading to 5am, I'm tired, don't try to wake me up.

Father's Day

We need some ice cream for Father's Day!

Just me and Dad, hanging out on the step.

Happy Father's Day!

Baseball is Back?

Well, there might be a baseball season.

Guess I better get to work on my pitching again.


ZOMBIE IS COMING FOR YOUR BRAINS (I may have played too many video games)!

Hose on a Hot Day

 What setting is the most gentle?

AHHHHH my Face.

Well that wasn't it

End of Fifth Grade

Ice cream!  Oh yeah.

And here's how I look at the end of fifth grade.

The EYE - June

Well, not how you want to wake up in the morning.

By bed time it was getting better... Nittany was petting my head.

Working at the Car Wash - End of May

Mom's car really needed a wash, so I helped out.

I missed a spot right there.

It's looking much better now.

I think the grass needs some water as well.