Sunday, March 22, 2015

Maple and Alpaca Weekend 2015

Mom and Dad always take me the local sugar house for NY Maple Weekend.

They also have alpacas which are my favorite.

This one came to say hello right away, he's kind of maple colored.

These guys were also friendly.

They kind of look like the three stooges.

Soccer Saturday

I've been working on my skills.

I love to start by shooting the ball at Daddy in the goal.

It gives me practice making goals.

My form is getting better.

Look out Dad, here it comes!

It was picture day.

My team was the Electric Cheetahs.

We're ready to play.

We're fast!

Big Jump At Swimming

On the last day of swimming I got to jump from the driving board into the deep end of the pool.  It was awesome.  I had no fear at doing it.

Kaysa is a Muse

Kaysa let me pet her. She's the best cat. I think I'll take her picture.

Outside this Winter?! Crazy!

The sun is shining and it's not bitter cold....OUTSIDE!

The snow banks are very tall this year.

Which makes me very tall!

Hey, the pile is so high I can just step into the tree!

Okay, Dad, hand me a soccer ball to throw.

Oops, I dropped it- can you go get it?

Nevermind, I'll go get it.

If I just jump down...

I'll be able to get it in a jiffy.

Perfect landing!

Let's do that again!

Purim Carnival

The bounce house is the BEST part of the Purim Carnival.

Let me just get in line again....

Down the slide...


Okay, time to play some games.

I need to refuel; pizza and hamentachen will work.

Back to the games!!!

So much fun!

Booka & Boppa's 40th Anniversary

It's been so cold, the waterfall in Ithaca froze!

We went to Ithaca to celebrate Booka and Boppa being married for 40 years!

Booka got an extra hug in.

Colorful Guard

Do you like my colorful guard outfit I had Mom make me for Purim?

I think it is awesome!

Reading too Dad - March

I've got this book here to read to Dad.

I've gotten really good at reading books!