Thursday, March 30, 2017


It's spring time.  It's getting warmer out side.  That means time to play in the back field!

Today I'll break out the most awesome gilder plane!

It's huge!  And it flies so well...

It can be tossed across the field on a good day.

On a bad day.. well the winds can take it around into a stump :)

It's also all in how you throw it..

A downward toss into the ground is not the best way to do it.

When you do that it doesn't go that far.

But it does make it easier to get it and do another throw.

This time I'll make sure to angle it up a bit more.

This thing is just awesome!

Lounge Lizard

I'm doing my best lounge lizard act.  With the new speaker, and the mic that Dad had for years.

This is awesome!  Will make for some fun party times now!

Fencing - Part 3

Time for more fencing practice...


I think I got him that time!

School Open House Event

Open house at school.  A time to show Mom and Dad around, and such...Oh and ice cream (or in my case a Lemon Ice).

Maple Weekend!

It's Maple Weekend!  That means time to stop, try some maple syrup, buy some syrup, and visit the Alpacas!

I always enjoy the Alpacas.  They are very cute.

Even the guys over here have some great facial expressions.

See, look at this guy, don't you just want to cuddle up with him?

Is he still staring at the camera?

I think he is just showing off for the camera.  He must like to have his picture taken :)

More Fencing

This time Mom and Dad got a good picture of me at fencing, in the fencing mask.  It is a bit heavy and hard to get off.

A lot of Snow in March

It snowed... A lot... Look at Dad out there shoveling it.  And Mom and Dad had to shovel that same height multiple times during the day.

Prior to the snow storm, there was zero snow on the ground.  now it is is way up around me!

The poor Cardinal, he looks cold.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Purim Carnival!

I came up with this fun costume for the Purim carnival. It's a crazy clown with wookie feet!.

I busted a move on the dance floor.

Rocking out...

 Swinging around.

 And having a good time.

Oh yeah!

This is the way to do it!

Watch me bust a move!

Making Hamantaschen

It's that time of year.. Time to make one of my favorite treats.  Hamantaschen!

I've helped Mom mix the egg up.

 Can't wait to get these made so I can eat them all!

Okay pan is ready!  Let's get those cookies over here.

 Filling is down in one, now time to make it into the triangle.

We've almost got a whole pan of poppy-seeds ready to go!

These will be delicious.

Yep... They are yummy!

Fencing! (in March)

Dad signed me up for a fencing class.  This should be sooo cool!

 We started off using some foam swords, and worked on on movements and such.

 Then we used those foam swords to practice against each other.

I'm a bit cautious, and I keep leaving my off hand in front.  But I'm working on it. 

Okay I've got the equipment on, let's get the fencing foils!

Birthday Celebration with Grandparents

After my birthday vacation, we did a small birthday celebration when we got back home, and invited my grandparents to come up. 

Mom got me a cookie cake, which I've decided is my favorite type of cake.

So I got to blow that out, with family around.

And eat some of it :)

I even got presents!

I used the money that Grampa A got me, to get some new games!