Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Cookie Cake with Booka and Boppa

And the Birthday weekend continuous!

Booka and Boppa came up to see me..

And I got a cookie cake!

10th B-Day!

It's my birthday!  Mom and Dad got me a birthday Blueberry muffin and a balloon!

My cat helped me celebrate it.

Then we headed off to Eastman to see the flowers.. I got to plant a bulb.

And then start taking pictures of all the flowers in bloom!

I do so love a picture of a flower.

It's a fun thing to do.

There are soo many flowers, and it smells so good.

And of course, a picture on the steps. I decided to have this one taken at the 10th step, for my birthday.

And of course one with Mom...

And one with Dad...

And one with an elephant head :)

That had some new phenakistoscope wheels to play with!

And we got a good picture of the three of us.

The flowers are always awesome!

They just pop so well.

Now for a gelato treat!

Then to the car to head to dinner...

HEY! It's the exact time I was born!

 Then some sushi for dinner.. That is the way the birthday should end!

Flamingo Garden!

 Dad and I are stalking the white Peacock.  Since it is odd to see one.

Okay let's fine one a different one..

Found it!

Look at the Flamingos!

All sorts of ones to look at.

Always a nice day, when we come here, it seems.

And lots of things to see!

Like both the white peacock, and a normal one, hanging together behind me.. Are they following me?

Hey that duck looks yummy!

What is that behind me?  Is it going to attack?

More wandering around, and look at animals

There are a lot of different ones.

Like a peacock in the tree!

Or one that wants to come up and say hi,

Hi there Mr Peacock

** HI **

Well he is definitely interested in investigating me.

Guess it's okay.

I've got the muscles for this!

Check out the cool tree!

It's HUGE!

Although this is the biggest "orange" I've seen.

I wonder how it would taste...

Nah.. it's fake, just kidding.

Right Dad?

Some beautiful plants here.

This one reminds me of an elephant!

Ah well we've spent most of the day here.

Time to rock on out.