Monday, April 15, 2019

Cobbshill Adventure

Check out that view... And it's a huge drop behind me.

The waterworks building is cool to look at.

Me and Mom had fun here!

TBK funday

Meeting some new friends

Listening to songs.

And building things - always fun!

Weekend with Mom

A little bubble tea, on the way to see Shazam!

Then a HUGE Meatball over a Olive Garden!

Time to dig in!

Magic Elements! - April

Cousin N and J with the game we created!

Magic Elements!

It looks awesome!

Roc Ventures - End of March

 This weekend adventure... ROCK CLIMBING!

I've been doing this for hours... Over time it get's really tiring.

And then you decide it's time to head on down.

By repelling down

Once more up the corner!