Monday, May 28, 2018


I think Mom needs some help with mulch... She looks like she is going to collapse on me.

So I am here to help!

Whacking open the bags of mulch

Wham with the rake!


Peek-a-boo... I see you!

Dad... Help me pull this post back up... It might cause us an issue with our mini-golf game.

I mean, it is the first mini-golf game for us of the year!

And I really need to get back into mini-golf shape ;)

This hole is just causing me issues today....

Ah... Time for a race!

I'm going to smoke them turkeys!


This thing, floored, is like driving with the brake on....

I'll have to use my skills to try to keep it moving...

BAH! Dad is about to pass me again!

I guess I should just blow it up huh?

*** KA BOOOM ***

Check out Big Yellow Ball.  I won him today!

Memorial Day Parade

It's a parade day!  And I'm walking with RHAA.  This is going to be great!

Here's the whole crew from RHAA, celebrating our town's 200th anniversary!

And I've got a bag of gum to give out to people!

This is such fun...

Kinda makes you feel a bit special huh?

It is a bit of a long walk, but I really never notice.

Since I'm occupied the whole time.

Hey Dad... I see you...

Here hold on to this candy for me :)

Catch you guys soon.

We're almost at the end!

Fun on the Weekend

 Mom's saying goodbye to her car, going to get herself a new one.

So somehow that translates to me having moose ears... Weird huh?

I did construct myself a bow out of a stick and some bungee's

It works okay... It's hard to find the correct stick for use as an arrow.

Now on to planting some new arborvitae where the pine tree use to be.

Watch out Dad.. I've got the hatch and am coming for you! .... Just kidding.... you think :)

And this one is in the ground!

Kabbalat Siddur

 Off to temple, all dressed up for Kabbalat Siddur..

Look at all of us up there, my whole class, having a good time!

Me and Miss G!

Lilac Festival - Mother's Day

It's hot out here... And mom had put me in sweatpants!  Is she trying to make me sweat out horribly?

Sure Mom.. It's Mother's day.. still not an excuse... I need something to cool me off!

How about an icee and some cotton candy?

Ah... The Lilacs are in bloom!

And they are beautiful!

Makes for a good Mother's Day photo!

And we can't leave Dad out of a the pictures...

Who's sweeter?  Me, Mom, or the Lilac?

I think it's close between me and the Lilac :)

Just kidding Mom.  We all know you are sweet.

It is a beautiful day, even if it's a bit hot.

And Me and Dad are our usual goofball selves.

But hey... You love us!

Even as I roll on down the hill.

The sky was a beautiful blue, with white puffy clouds.

Makes for a good backdrop to the Lilacs.

Now this is the climbing tree.

Hey I wonder where this path goes!

How about this... I am king of the Rock!

Cheer for me!

Or just get me a lemonade!

I did find some awesome Cat Eats!

I am such a cute widdle kitty cat!

Aye Aye Sir!

Preparing to launch the cannon...

And now for some super duper crazy cat antics...

As I swing from bar to bar...

And slide down the slide...
 Ready to get more lemonade to wet my whiskers.
 And a hug from my mommy cat.

Makes for a great mother's day!

Yep a Cat and his Mom, with some lemonade.