Wednesday, January 22, 2020


 Waiting at the top of the hill... It is sort of dreadful at times.

But then you get on the sled and head down.. And get the thrill of the ride.

Especially when you go all the way to the creek.

And then you repeat the process, until you fail.

At that point, it's time to stop.

Basketball Game

It's basketball time!

Me and R bringing the ball down to court.

I'm open!

3-2... 3-2... Get into position let's run this!

Coach Dad talking me through a couple of things on the sideline.

New Kitten! and Snow!

We got a new Kitten!  She's a fur slinky sausage!

And we got some snow again.  Yeah!

I helped Mom shovel it up a bit.

Basketball Pic - January

Coach Dad, and a handful of the Basketball Team.