Friday, October 27, 2017

Trick or Treating at Wegmans!

It's time to go trick or treating at Wegmans!

I've got pirate skeleton costume, and a bag.

I've got some jokes up my sleeve to earn some candy. 

I thought it was a funny one... I blanked and had to come up with one fast.

This year the fishing rod seemed harder for me.

But all in all it was fun!

Woodland Adventure

Time to test out my skeleton costume with glowing eyes, for going on a woodland adventure!

I'm going to add a pirate bandana and weapon belt with it.

 Oh yeah this should rock!

Am I scary enough for ya like this?

Nah just getting some candy.

Now I'm full into gear for the woodland walk!

It was a real hoot!

Altitude with my Best Buddy H!

Since I have basketball this winter, I figured I should work on my basketball skills.  I can almost dunk when I bounce :)

But it's still too high for me...

Me and my best buddy H bouncing around.

Trying to see who can jump the highest!

Without falling down.

 But I know to get back up quickly...

Vs. H who sometimes rolls around on the ground :)

I even can make the bounce back up to this platform.

I know where we should head next!


I just need another ball to throw.

What do you think H... Should we head somewhere else?

How about a joust?

H is ready for action.

 As am I!

This shall be epic!

Or not....

We knocked each other off real quick.

Ah well back to dodgeball!

Where we shall smash the competition!

As we work as a team to take them out.

We've got balls....

 Get em!!!!!

 Oh yeah guys... We gotcha!

You want a piece of us!?!

That was fun... I tired, and need a drink of water.

Me, with H's crew of friends.

Just a bunch of crazy people.

So nothing more then normal. :)

Halloween Village

I'm almost done getting the Halloween Village setup how I want it inside...

I think that about does it...

What do you think?  I think it looks awesome!

Long Acre Farms - Part 2

After going through that maze, we all needed to sit, and have some ice cream and cider slushies!

And of course I needed to go feed the overfed goats :)

I hope he doesn't decide to eat my hand instead.

Perhaps using the conveyor belt will work?

We'll soon fine out once the food gets to the top.

Then off for a leisurely drive around the farm :)

Just kidding.. I didn't drive around the farm.

I will attack the castle though!

I am the giant who has claimed this castle!

Now to try to shoot the corn for a free pumpkin!

Well I just missed... But I came really close!

Now for a bit of a ride... an pseudo hayride that is!

Always a nice way to sit back and relax as they take us around.

Like I wish this train could do for me!

Ah well, let's play a game of who's your pumpkin...

So Dad.. which pumpkin is yours this time?

I did convince Mom and Dad to get me pumpkin.  I think I found a good one!

One last time to conquer the castle...

Before I leap from the top of it!