Wednesday, March 19, 2014

PI Weekend @ RSMC

Do you like my monkey mosaic?

Dad made a couple different patterns too.

Warm Day with Snow

So we got all this snow (Snow Day was fun)... But then it went up to 50 (F), so I went out to play in it.

Hum... So much snow.. what to do with it...

I know... SNOW BALLS!... This is the perfect snow for it.

 Hop on my sled and head down the hill.

 Thanks Mom, I need a lift back up.

Can I get a push?

Mom... I don't need a kiss for good luck, it's just down the hill.

That was better... Think we can get it a bit further next time?

What do you mean I need to turn it more and  bring it up the hill myself?

How about I lay on it this way, and you push it?

Or maybe a full body impression in the snow?

Okay back to throwing snowballs at Dad :)

And Mom...

On your marks....

 Get set... Throw!

Okay.. for my next trick.. I shall drop kick the snow pile!

Hi Ya!

Dad and I both did it!

 Dad managed to run through the snow pile... I got stuck.

Oh Mom... I've got something for you!

Hum... I seem to be sinking into the snow...

Maybe a double punch into it will help? :)

Oh no... It got me..

 Fooled you... Take that!

Hum... Mom said she was going to make me a snow cave...

 This is totally awesome!

Thanks Mom!

But you know... I think it would be fun to make it collapse.

Climb up top....


Ha Ha Ha Ha... That was fun... Can you make me another one?


So we had so much Snow I ended up getting to stay home with First Dad as it was snowing, and then Mom the next day, as it was getting cleaned up.  Mom let me move all my friends from my room to her room, and watch movies :)

Indians' Jacket

 Uncle D, Aunt L, and my Cousins S, C, and M - got me this awesomely cool Indians' jacket... Now I can look the part of a baseball player.

Playing Around

 So I got this cool kit where you build stuff with a sand like product, and then launch more sand like product to knock down the walls.

 So first me and Dad build some walls and defenders...

 Then I launched boulders at the walls and defenders.

 It took a lot to get the right aim... eventually I took the whole thing down :)

 Then some playing around with tossing the ball with Dad...

 Here I am trying to gather all the the snow balls to toss at Dad.

 Here's one coming at you Dad!

It's going to get ya!


Mom helped me to build this tower with the Keva blocks at the RMSC.

Time to knock it down :)

George Eastman House - March

Look.. I'm Dad!

I do love going to George Eastman House to see the flowers.  It makes me think of spring!

I also love to take pictures of the flowers.

Lots and lots of pictures :)

Just like my Dad and Mom do.

See.. Is this not a great picture?

I even took pictures of Mom (and Dad)

Although Dad did borrow the camera back to take a picture of Me with Mom.

Then Mom took one of me and my Dad.

I kinda like this one... I'm ready to move on to the house though.

Where there are more flowers to take pictures of.

As well as fun things to do... Like the old flip wheel.

 And making my own short movie.

Or watching optical illusions.

And playing with old cameras.