Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Birthday - Basketball Practice/Party

An odd mix... One my my teammates here has a Curry Warriors jersey on today.. Ah well it's my birthday, I'll be nice and let him have some cookie cake :)

I think my teammates and friends are happy to have even more dessert treats for the party.

I'm ready for my cookie cake!

 Coach was kinda enough to get in for a good picture.

Now to work on my hook shot... I want to be able to do it like Dad does.

Next up... So practice on my set shot.

I do enjoy shooting around with the basketball.

Well Dad this has been fun.

 Shall we get going now?

Birthday - Morning

It's my birthday!  For breakfast mom got me an apple fritter... with a candle :)


Let's see if I can blow it out without getting off the couch....

Almost got it out....

It's out...  I didn't fall off, although some of my stuff did :)

Time for presents??? :)

And a Birthday hug from Mom...

And one from Dad.  It's a good way to start off a birthday!

Monday, February 26, 2018

Couch Cuddle!

It's just a cuddly day, to cuddle into my blanket on the couch.

I mean how can you pass up the opportunity to do that!

Robot Car! Part 1

Dad got me a Robot Car to build for my birthday.  It has all the pieces to make it, and then code to get it running!

He's going to help me to build it.

For our first session on building it we got all the motors onto the lower frame.

The line following sensor onto the bottom.

The motor driver board installed...

So far it looks cool.  Can't wait to get back to it and work on the next part!

Flowers at Eastman House

It's always fun to go to Eastman when they have the large quantity of flowers out to look at!  Mind you I need a proper meal, after having played basketball.

Now I'm ready to look at, smell, and ...

Take pictures of the flowers!

The house is always so well decorated, and it smells great!

So we make a point of coming out to see it each year.  I know Dad loves looking at and taking pictures of the flowers (just like me!).

And Mom always loves seeing the flowers as well.

Do you think that elephant head needs a flower in it's snout?  Nah....

Group mirror shot!

It is always fun to get a picture on the grand staircase.

Then off to play in the children's area.

Today I'm going to color in a daffodil

Then grab a picture of Dad :)

Before ending our trip, with our normal treat of Gelato!

More Basketball with the Jr Cavs

It's time for another basketball game.  I'm ready to play!

This should be a fun game, I got some knee pads, and an arm brace finally!

Let's rock it!

I shall not let this guy get past me!

And when he does take a shot, I'll get my hand in his face and try to block it!

Oh yeah!  First game went well.  Time for the second game here!

Let's fight to the end!

And cheer on our teammates.

And grab this rebound that is mine!

Looking Fine for a Birthday Blessing

I always enjoy going to the Friday Night Shabbat service, when I get my birthday blessing.  This year I wanted to dress up nice and spiffy!

Afterwards I got my challah and grape juice... Plus a birthday cookie!  Oh yeah that is the way to go!

Monday, February 19, 2018

Cavs Academy

 Today I've got a Cleveland Cavaliers Academy Event!

I get to get more training on basketball!

It was a blast - just look at all the kids who came.

I think if they do this again next year I'll be in for it again!

 Plus we got some sweet swag!

Thanks Dad!  This was great.