Monday, September 23, 2019

Life in the Country

While waiting to head back out and drive the tractor some more, it seemed like a good time to play with some cars.

I've got more hours on this tractor, then Dad ever will.

Obligatory group shot, with the tractor :)

The flowers here are in memory of Boppa.

Booka made a beautiful arrangement.

Okay Mom.. I promise I'll be careful, and not jump the driveway again.

But taking the big hill at full speed.. That I will do!  Mohahahahhahaha

And back up it for a second pass.

Can't wait to do it again.

Farm Chores

Driven the tractor around the farm....

Just a leisurely trip, with Mom in the wagon.

She doesn't look nervous at all.. right?

I'm only driving it like Mario Andretti :)

Mom's a good sport, and treats it like a ride.

So what's the next task?

More of the same.. I got it...

OH NO... I blew a tire on the wagon!

Time to haul her back home, and get her fixed up.

All I need is a root beer.

First Day of 5th Grade!

It's the first day of School!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!  Where did the summer go?

I think Mom is ready for me to go back to school.

So Dad, shall we head on out then?

Rockhound Redwings Game - September

The Great Red Wing has captured me by my head!

Okay the Rockhounds are here to be the team buddies!

Always a blast to get out on the field.

Now to go check out some other stuff.

Like trying to knock this guy down into the dunk tank.

My best Buddy H was here as well.

Toss us the t-shirt!  We want a T-Shirt!

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Penn-Dixie Fossil Dig - End of August

 Mom and me are ready to find some Trilobites!

Dad and me are ready to find some Coral!

Sunday, September 1, 2019

The Great NY State Fair - End of August

Check out this year's butter sculpture it is awesome!

My turn to put out the house fire!

I've got the help to get the hose in place.

And water activated.

I got this, I'm knocking down those fires fast!

If only it were this easy in real life.

How about some archery in the Native American Village set.

Check out my form!

And launch it at the bullseye.

This chicken is awesome!

Okay I have to admit, the sand sculpture is amazing!

Like mind blowing!

This picture makes the sculpture easier to see.

Here's the backside.  Let's get back to the moon!

Mom and me with the Flying monkey and the apple trees.

Okay one more time with the front side.

Ready to from NYS Transportation trivia?

How about some petal power!

Or shooting some ducks!

Yep we had a blast at the NYS Fair!