Monday, December 26, 2022

Concert Time


I'm ready for the concert.  Think I should wear the glasses?

Let's get it on!

Nah, all set to go have some fun

Should I act a bit like Gaston for it? :)

Okay Mom it's time to get going

And now for the songs!

Hanging with my Cat


Just hanging with my Cat on my bed

I think we're both happy here :)

Making Cookies!


Mom and me wanted to make some cookies!

Look on at the wonder of the cookies!

Mohahahahah - they shall taste soooo good!

Gingerbread Houses at Eastman House - December


Time for the yearly tradition of seeing the gingerbread houses at Eastman House

As always, we need some pictures with the elephant head

So we've got to figure out a few more gingerbread houses still

Hey, we got a full picture of all of us!

Now it's me and Dad, okay Dad, a few of these gingerbread houses are tough to figure out

The game room is always cool.  Lots of items I'd like to have in it

Now Dad always want the library, got to agree it's just awesome!

Once more up the steps, to Step 13, almost to the landing!

Need to zoom in to really see I guess.

 Or just move to the top landing and look down?