Sunday, June 30, 2024

Me and Booka


Me and Booka on a beautiful morning.

Sunset with Booka


Was a beautiful sunset behind us as we walked out from Dinner at Ommegang, so me and Booka stopped for Dad to grab a picture.

Then Mom joined us.

We Got A Scimitar


So I had told Dad, the sword he was missing was a Scimitar, so we got one today.  It looks quite cool!

Hum, I wonder how sharp it is.

Well it can cut through the mint, that's cool!

Ice Cream Break After Golf


Everyone needs an ice cream break after a golfing.

Me and Mom


Just another night out to dinner.

And me and Mom cuddling up together

Gaming Night!


Stacking some meeples, prior to the game.

Then on to setting up a Risk Board (Dad won again as usual)

Father's Day!


So for Father's Day, we always head to the Mad Hatter, to have good tea, and a meal.

Mom and Me enjoy the Tea Room as well.

I mean Tea is delicious

We even had the Mad Hatter sitting with us, and not just Dad.

Next stop, Mini-golf!

Classic Stallions Pose!

Playing Billiards with Dad


Yep, just another game of billiards with Dad.

Last Day of 9th Grade!


It's the last day of 9th Grade! WOOOOOOOOOOO

Well Dad, we've survived another year of school.

So Mom, ready to get me moving in the morning now that school is done?

Uh oh... I think she just lost her mind.

And now she's got me by the neck...

Funny Faces at Eastman Museum


The squinter

Mostly wide eyed

Scary Eyes!

Drink anyone?

Golf Outting at Riverton


Time to get a good shot here on hole 2.

It's the crew of us out in the cart :)

Okay, so how do we get out of the edge of this sand, I, need to hit it just right.

End of School Year Kickball Game


It's the end of the school kickball game.

That should be a good kick.

And back to the end of the line.

Time for another kick.

That's a kick up into the air, can I make it on base?

Booking it to base!

Made in on base!

Defense time! I need to get that ball..

Almost got it.

Time to guard a base.

Quick toss it to me!

Got em!

This was a fun time!  Glad I did it.

Getting Rid of the Fuzz


The cottonwood fuzz needs to go, I know the best way to do this.

See you get a lighter, make sure the rest of area is properly watered, and then light the fuzz.

See that works!

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Caught One!


Time for another round of fishing.  I really want to catch one....

I did not mean CATCH the reeds, and have to cut the line.  Ug.

I meant a FISH!  I caught a fish!  WOOOOOOOOO

I guess the secret, find the handful right by the shore, load the hook with something they actually want to eat, and they bite!

Quick Mom, get it off the hook, and toss it back into the water!

I caught his buddy!  Woo!

Now to get him off the hook, and back into the water. Mind helping again Mom?