Sunday, December 31, 2017

Working on a Costume

I'm working on my alien costume for Odyssey of the Mind

Requires some hot glue and some gold braid for this part.

Yo Yo

I got a Yo-Yo for a present, and have been figuring out how to work with it.

 You toss it down...

 Let it sit at the bottom for a beat...

 Then bring it back up to the top with a clean jerk.

And catch it.

Booka and Boppa

Me and Boopa, celebrating his birthday a few days early.

Booka is in the action as well

Baking Bread with Booka

I helped Booka make some more bread for us to have at dinner.

This is fun!  I love cooking

Sky Zone Bounce Time

I'm ready to get some basketball practice in!

Or perhaps climb a wall... almost made it..

Practice my dodging skills.

Which is a good work out.

As well as throw the dodgeball back at someone.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Hanukkah Party - Part 2

Gammie's Hanukkah party is always a blast for us kids!

We can be a bit crazy....

But we always have fun together.

Even if other think its wacky.

But see we can settle back down for Gammie ;)

Because she is the best!

Hanukkah Party - Part 1

 For the first Hanukkah party, I hung out with my first and second cousins.

Getting that many of us together might have been a bad idea :)

Since we tend to be a bit crazy at times.

Although I did find some time to get some "piece" and "quiet" while playing on an iPod.

With a couple of my second cousins watching me play.

Opening Night of Star Wars - The Last Jedi!

We went to see Star Wars on Opening night.. at the first showing!  It was great!

Safety First!

 Check it out!  I got made a boot's Safety person for school!

Mom is so proud of me!

And I think it is quite cool!


Before the Musical (A Christmas Story), that Mom and Dad took me too, we got dinner at a good Sushi Roll place.  As usual it was yummy!

Snow Play!

It's a beautiful day to play out in the snow.

There is just enough snow on the ground to have fun with it.

Like making snowballs!

And tossing them at Mom! **Smash**

The snow falling from the sky is always so pretty.

Do you think so too?

I've got another snowball ready to go...

Should I toss it at Mom or Dad?

How about at both?

Well just one more thing to do in the beautiful snow....

Make some snow angels!

Making Ice Cream

 Mom is helping me to make ice cream.

 So now I've got to roll this around the house to make it freeze.

 So I'll start by rolling it around the downstairs....

 Then take it up the stairs...

 Think I should let it roll down on it's own? :)

I think it's about done....


It looks like it turned out well.

 Mom says it tastes good!
Yep delicious!