Monday, October 29, 2018

Galaxy Weekend

It's time to explore a galaxy far far away...

And I'll captain this mission!

To Keper-16b, to find new lifeforms.

As we explore space.

And run into some Jawas and camo troopers...

This here is a large crew of interesting people.

 ** High Five! **
I do love me some storm troopers.

The Jawa's have taking Jabba hostage.. I need to find help.

Perhaps a Death Trooper can help me out?

Or maybe I'll just go hunting for Storm Troopers myself!

I got this one!

 Quick grab yourself a sonic screwdriver and hop in the TARDIS, we've places to go.

Like King Arthur's time.  I shall take the sword from the stone, and become king!

Well that didn't work.. I got forced to be a peasant building the wall.s

Ah but I shall power up with gamma rays!

And lift this turboium reactor, to escape.

 And for my next trick shot, I shall hit the ball into the target with awesome timing.

Or how about a video game.

This one is more about moving around to avoid the ball.

 Hey.. I found a tie fighter pilot.

Look a whole group of them!

Perhaps Jyn Erso needs some help?

HA!  I've stolen the speed from the troopers!

 R2, I need you to take a message for me.

I've landed in the water, and need some help.

Well perhaps I'll go be the person who helps.

After I get my sick dance moves done on the floor.

 It's the epic battle of Elmo vs. Cookie Monster.. Who shall win?

 The Emperor, that is who will win, he always finds a way (unless Vader turns back to the light).

HA!  Time to take out some more troopers!

I am part of the puzzle in the world.

But sometimes you just need to take a step back, and sort the mail on the train, before you reach your destination.

Ah... Time to get a good meal ready to go.

And cook it in the oven.

 AHHHHH The Plane.. It's going down... I'm trying to land it!

** Boop Beep Boop Beep **

Course is set Captain, ready on your orders.

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