Thursday, May 30, 2019

Rockhound Tourney Game

It's time for another Rockhound game in the Tournament. 

Here's hoping the game goes well.

It outfield I caught a ball.

Now time to get a good at bat here.

I think I can make some contact.

Well the team is doing okay so far.

Let's try to get a run in!

Another Rockhounds Game

Time to play some left field today... I'm going to catch that ball.


Time to get myself a hit here.

I got this.  I know I can hit off the pitcher.

Just missed that one.

But this one I got a good piece of to put the ball into play!

Mohawk "Soccer Dude"

It's dress as someone you are not.

So I'm going as a soccer dude today!

Working on my Golf Drive

Dad and Mom took me over to the driving range so I could learn how to hit a golf ball.

One thing is for sure.. I swing a golf club like a baseball bat.

So I got to get low to hit it right.

My First Home Run!

I rocked it in house league baseball today!
First I turned a double into an in the part home run, scoring 2 RBIs (for a total of 3 runs).
I then caught a ball at short, and tagged the based to get a double play to end the inning.
To end the game,  I pitched the final 2 innings.  The first inning I got in a bit of trouble and got the bases loaded with 1 out.  Then I proceeded to strike out the next two batters.  The next inning I stuck out two of the best hitters on the other team, and ended the game.  The game finished 3 to 0.  So I basically knocked in all our runs, and had a huge hand in ending 3 out of the 6 innings.
I earned this after game ice cream!

I'm an Engineer!

For dress what you want to be when you grow up, I dressed up like Dad, I.e. an Engineer!

Rockhounds's game

It's time to get out in the field on the Rockhounds.

I'm manning the outfield today.

I even got on base!

Time to make this count.

And off I go to second.

Back into the outfield I go.

I'm ready for that ball to come to me.

RHAA Picture Day

It's picture day for the the RHAA teams, and my team decided we'd have fun, while waiting.

I bet these pictures will be better then the official ones.

Since this whole crew having fun, is a much more active picture.

Let's go Firestrikers!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Lilac Festival! - Part 2

Well it seems like the Pansy Bed is a little short today.  Perhaps in a couple weeks it will be up.

I now salute you!

Ah. But the tulips are in full bloom!

I love me some yellow tulips!

So whatca think Dad?

I agree, they look awesome!

 Time for a bit of the old stump posing.

I think this pose works better for us ;)

Lilac Festival! - Part 1

It's festival season!  Time to head out and smell the Lilac's for the first festival.

I always love the Lilac festival.  It's pretty flowers, great smells, good music and food.

I look forward to this event every year!

I think it is one of Mom's favorite events as well.


Or should we say FLOWERS!

I know it's one of Dad's favorite things!

I mean the Lilac's smell so nice.

It makes for a wonderful time, right Dad?

As we pose for Mom in front of the flowers...

Or should I say with our favorite pose ;)

Hey Dad, you got yourself a Lilac hat I see.

Time for the running of the hill.  First down it...

And then Back up it.

Sheesh, not sure I should have done this twice. It's tiring.

Well Mom, shall we continue through the Lilac's on the hill, towards the next stop?

There are still pansys, and tulips and such to see!