Monday, October 28, 2019

Cousin N's Bat Mitzvah - Saturday Night

 It's a Lula reception.  So I've got me a grass skirt!

 So does Dad.  We're ready to party!

 Here's us Chiefs practicing our moves.

Yep just like my Dad.  Ready to party, dance, and have a good time!

Conga line!

This party was a blast - Awesome work Cousin N!

GG had a good time as well!

Mom and me (along with Dad) dancing the night away.

As usual, the last ones on the dance floor.  Shutting the place down!

Me and Grammie

Now these are some big steps huh Grammie?

Cousin N's Bat Mitzvah - Friday Night

Now this is a crew at this table.  Me an a bunch of cousins!

Apex Win!

BAM!  Got me a win in Apex!

Flag Football - Ice Cream Party

 Hanging with my Flag Football team, enjoying some ice cream.

We had a good year this year.

The team and the coaches!

We are a great crew huh?

And a bit crazy!


Only a little bit goofy.. But always having fun.

Halloween Village

Check out the Halloween Village I put together this year...

Three tables worth of fright!

Haunted Hayride Number 2

Time for another Haunted Hay Ride.  This one should be a blast!

Day Off With Dad! - Club House Fun

Time to get some Go Kart Racing in!  You're going down Dad!

Trying to win some more Willy Wonka Cards

Day off with Dad! - RMSC

 Time to get my butt kicked in the music bass chair.  What? That what it's called the Butt Kicking Chair.

It's Dad and Me inverted in the Mirror!

Now this is a structure I'd love to have the time to try to build.  Not sure I could do it all, but it would be fun to try!

Jamming on the tablet band apps.  Let's get those drums going!

 It's the DeLorean from Back to the Future!

Complete with a Mr. Fusion.  I need to get me one of these!

I think I can move the "eggs" around.  And avoid the Dino.

I got this figured out.  Going to pick it up now!

Now this is a cool Alien.  He's kinda awesome!

This was a droid I was looking for.  But it found me first.

Time to drive the explorer on Mars.  Only have a short amount of energy to find as many things as possible.

Me and Dad built a rocket that got all the way to Mars! Go us!

How about us having a blast with pictures!

I can hear you all the way over here Dad!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Halloween Is up!

Halloween is looking good so far this year!

Can you spot me here?

Football and Halloween

It's really cold this morning.  So need to make sure I've got lots of layers for football.

Yet by the end of the game it had gotten warm enough to work on Halloween!

OH NO... Staypuff is about to sack me!

Dinner out with Dad - Beginning of October

While Mom is away.. The Boys will play!  And drink :)

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Haunted Hayride - end of September

It's Halloween season.  Time for our first Halloween adventure.. A Haunted Hayride!

Ahhhhh.. that silo is out to get us!